Potty preparation twins: Part three {Treats}

The sage continues. We are instantly potty training both our toddlers.

You tin depository fiscal establishment check out my previous potty grooming posts here:
We've been potty grooming i of our toddlers, C, for 22 days now. His twin blood brother decided this past times weekend that he wanted to potty develop equally well. We are on twenty-four hours v of potty grooming O. The commencement span days of potty grooming both toddlers were crazy. It almost felt similar C regressed unopen to when O started potty training. In my previous posts, nosotros were considering potty grooming C for overnight. We aren't just certain of the approach nosotros desire to receive got on nights correct now. Both toddlers are waking upwards alongside somewhat moisture diapers-- non really, really wet, but yet a lilliputian wet. Here are the iii options I'm considering for potty grooming them on nights:

1. Training underwear in addition to waterproof grooming pants.
I experience similar this is the most aggressive approach, the i to really acquire them to potty develop overnight. I used these Potty grooming twins: Part 2 {The adjacent step}."
Downside to this option: waking upwards inwards the nighttime if they experience moisture to alter grooming pants; waking upwards inwards the morn to alter grooming pants to regular underwear (which I make instantly from diapers to underwear).

2. Pull ups
I experience similar this powerfulness hold out the easiest option. If I make this, in that place is a proficient adventure that they volition maintain sleeping through the nighttime when they occupation the clitoris up. In theory, they could also clitoris upwards in addition to downwards the clitoris upwards inwards the morn when they demand to occupation the restroom, mayhap fifty-fifty if they wake upwards inwards the nighttime in addition to demand to occupation the restroom. I really experience like, fifty-fifty if I create upwards one's heed to become alongside the commencement option, I volition in all probability start alongside clitoris ups commencement in addition to and thus motion to the Gerber grooming pants later on they are fifty-fifty improve nearly waking upwards dry.
Downside to this option: nosotros become from buying Target diapers at $24.99 for 138 to clitoris ups at $19.99 for 52. The prissy matter nearly the Gerber grooming pants is that they are reusable in addition to washable; you lot receive got to maintain buying clitoris ups.

3. Diapers
This is what nosotros are doing for nights now. When they wake upwards inwards the morning, they run to the restroom in addition to I alter them from a diaper to underwear. Sometimes this is at 6:45 am, sometimes at 7:30 am. They sometimes wake upwards soon later on nosotros spot them to bed demanding to occupation the restroom, but never inwards the middle of the night. I don't experience they are necessarily learning to potty develop nights this way in addition to they throw a tally every eve when nosotros alter them into their pajamas in addition to diaper, "I article of apparel underwear, Momma!" The Target build diapers, spell nosotros receive got to a greater extent than often than non been happy alongside them later on switching from Pampers, don't receive got the best Velcro on the side. Once you lot clitoris apart the Velcro to allow the kid to occupation the restroom, it doesn't stick dorsum together well. Taking on in addition to off the diaper to allow the kid to occupation the restroom to a greater extent than often than non agency changing his diaper equally well, regardless of how dry out it may be. I'm form of feeling similar nosotros demand to make something else than diapers.
Downside to this option: nosotros are almost out of diapers, thus I would demand to caput on over to Target to purchase unopen to other box of diapers.

We haven't made upwards our heed yet on what nosotros desire to make for nights. I mentioned it before, but I'm dreading the view of giving up sleep. At 22-weeks pregnant, the final matter I desire to hold out doing correct instantly is wake upwards inwards the middle of the nighttime to alter sheets in addition to give quick baths. That is why I hollo back nosotros volition switch-- adjacent calendar week (ever the procrastinator)-- from diapers to clitoris ups, attempt it out for a calendar week or two, in addition to and thus motion upwards to the Gerber Training Pants pick if it is going well. Otherwise, I hollo back nosotros volition linger inwards clitoris ups. (This is form of a large bargain for me to hold out considering clitoris ups equally I swore upwards in addition to downwards when potty grooming our oldest that I would never purchase clitoris ups! Ah, motherhood... you lot destination upwards eating words thus often.)

Before nosotros started potty grooming O, C really had potty grooming nether his belt. Very, really few accidents. He had reached the "rebellious stage" of potty training: "Okay, I've got this. Now I'm going to come across what I tin acquire away with." He wasn't really happy the twenty-four hours he told us that he was going to occupation his underwear equally a diaper in addition to and thus did-- only to hold out confronted alongside consequences instead of treats or "It's okay." We didn't ever receive got a alter of wearing apparel alongside us when nosotros left the house, because he was thus reliable. We'd left him alongside a sitter; we'd run errands all day; we'd visited friends' houses in addition to the like. If he was doing nights, I would receive got considered him potty trained. And in addition to thus nosotros started potty grooming O. The commencement twenty-four hours of potty grooming O passed uneventfully. The mo day, C's potty grooming went out the window. Not certain what happened. O only had i accident, but C had 3 or 4, very surprising to my married adult man and me because nosotros had started thinking of him equally really reliable in addition to trustworthy inwards underwear. We had mini panic attacks. Are nosotros starting over at foursquare i alongside C? Are nosotros doing something wrong?

The other job nosotros had was the treats were good out of hand. Anytime anyone used the bath inwards the house-- myself, my husband, our oldest son, i of the toddlers-- i of the toddlers would saltation upwards and have to occupation the restroom. They were getting to the indicate of producing a drib or 2 simply for treats constantly. I wrote inwards the weblog postal service "Potty grooming twins: Part 2 {The adjacent step}" that nosotros were out of treats past times noon. I was constantly inwards the bath telling the toddlers to halt playing inwards the sink, stopping playing past times the toilet, hollo for them if they actually had to become potty, perpetually bombarded alongside demands for "Treats! Momma, treats!" It was ridiculous. If i toddler used the bathroom, the other would equally well. So the first toddler would truly receive got to become potty. I would assist him inwards the bathroom, launder his hands, come upwards out in addition to make treats, only for the mo toddler to come across the commencement toddler acquire treats, run to the bathroom, receive got me assist him launder hands, come upwards out in addition to acquire a treat, for the commencement toddler to dash dorsum inwards the bathroom... Constantly, constantly, constantly. Our organisation wasn't working.

So what does every logical adult woman make when faced alongside a tough problem? Call her mother. My mom said nosotros needed to make away alongside treats for every fourth dimension they occupation the restroom-- totally agree. I printed off a sticker nautical chart for both of them, each a tabular array I made on Microsoft Word. The tabular array has v rows in addition to 8 columns. The commencement row lists the days of the calendar week inwards each column: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, in addition to a particular column for Week. The adjacent iv rows are for stickers. If they become the entire twenty-four hours without an accident inwards their underwear, they acquire a sticker in addition to a particular process (O got a cookie his commencement twenty-four hours without an accident in addition to final nighttime they both had their pick from the leftover Valentine's Day candy). If they become the entire calendar week without an accident (a concept they haven't grasped yet in addition to nosotros haven't fully explained yet-- nosotros volition when nosotros really receive got a week's worth of stickers on the chart), they acquire a very special treat, similar a bowl of H2O ice cream or something.

Happy toddlers celebrating getting stickers on their potty grooming charts

I hollo back it was because nosotros had just started potty grooming O, but he caught on to this organisation really quickly. The commencement twenty-four hours nosotros implemented this (day 3 of O's potty training), he was on board. He went the whole twenty-four hours without an accident. C did non grab on the commencement day. This was during his potty grooming regression later on nosotros started potty grooming O, in addition to he deliberately had 2 accidents that day. That eve when nosotros were putting a sticker on O's potty grooming chart, non intentionally inwards front end of him, simply alongside O to celebrate going a whole day, something alongside C clicked. The adjacent day, C told me commencement matter inwards the morning, "I non receive got accidents today. I acquire sticker in addition to treat." O piped in, "Me too!" And they did-- they went all twenty-four hours without whatever accidents. We spent a long morning/early afternoon picnicking at the green in addition to they had no accidents. (I gave them each a pocket-sized process when nosotros got habitation for beingness dry out the whole fourth dimension in addition to for using the potty i time nosotros got home. They celebrated, "Yay! Dry at park!") They both took a long afternoon nap in addition to were dry out the whole fourth dimension during their nap. When they woke up, nosotros went to dinner in addition to ran an errand all together equally a family. I was thus glad my hubby was there. When nosotros pulled into the gas station, O yells, "Have to become potty!" He took O inwards to the bathroom. While he was inwards there, C says, "Have to become potty, Momma!" I pumped the gas in addition to told C he had to wait. When my married adult man came out of the gas station, he went dorsum inwards alongside C spell I buckled O upwards inwards the motorcar seat.

I haven't exclusively taken away treats. I to a greater extent than often than non give them a process for performing the larger functions inwards the restroom. Out of all the accidents they could receive got inwards their underwear, pooping is the to the lowest degree pleasant to build clean upwards in addition to thus I experience it should hold out amply rewarded for beingness done properly inwards the toilet. They look satisfied when I tell them they don't acquire a process every fourth dimension they become potty inwards the toilet. I attempt to emphasize that they demand to make become all twenty-four hours without an accident. Our oldest volition ever add, "Or if you lot become poop!" That has produced several pocket-sized functions inwards the lavatory for which the toddlers demand a treat, "Tiny poop, Momma! Treat!" Overall though, the process organisation is far less abused equally nosotros are doing it instantly than when nosotros were freely handing out treats every fourth dimension either of them used the restroom. I also attempt to mitt out surprise treats thus they experience rewarded in addition to noticed during the twenty-four hours for their efforts. I gave a process yesterday for going the entire green playdate without whatever accidents. I've given treats for running errands in addition to using the potty spell nosotros are out. I simply attempt to maintain them pocket-sized in addition to casual, non build them experience similar they are entitled to a process every fourth dimension they make this. After all, potty grooming really is something they should larn at i indicate or unopen to other to make without praise or compensation. I make ponder how the process organisation crumbled thus completely having twin toddlers potty grooming simultaneously. The process organisation worked groovy potty grooming our singleton in addition to when nosotros were potty grooming i of our toddlers, but non potty grooming both of them.

This morn both the toddlers were admiring their sticker charts. They receive got counted upwards the stickers they receive got earned in addition to conception on getting unopen to other sticker for today. After using the restroom an hr or 2 ago, i of the toddlers came inwards the job solid unit of measurement room in addition to announced, "No accidents, Momma! Sticker tonight!" I'm really starting to experience that unopen to of the darker days of potty grooming are behind us... well, until nosotros start nights! :)

I'm certain other moms experience this way, but I am frequently reminded of Lord of the Flies by William Golding when parenting 3 children. So here's my upbeat potty grooming quote: “He industrial plant life himself agreement the wearisomeness of this life, where every path was an improvisation in addition to a considerable component of one's waking life was spent watching one's feet.”

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