Expect the unexpected

We've been juggling a lot over hither at our work solid this past times week. One of our twin toddlers, C, has decided that at nowadays is the fourth dimension he wants to potty develop (read "Potty preparation twins: constituent 1 {No plan}"). We started this past times Thursday. By Saturday, our other toddler, O, had a major asthma flare up. We were worried for awhile that nosotros would demand to accept him to the children's hospital, but nosotros managed to arrive through the weekend. He had come upwards downwards amongst a mutual coldness a duad weeks agone that he simply wasn't shaking. I had genuinely taken him to the pediatrician on Th because, piece the mutual coldness wasn't affecting his breathing, it was alarming because it made his breast sound... wet? I don't know, that's what it sounded similar to me. Anyways, nosotros left the pediatrician twenty-four lx minutes menstruation of the month feeling skillful almost heading into the weekend, a follow-up twenty-four lx minutes menstruation of the month scheduled for the adjacent calendar week if the mutual coldness nonetheless hadn't left. As it happens amongst toddlers, things changed for us quickly. He started Sabbatum morning time sounding fine. By Sabbatum even out he was wheezing together with coughing; he stopped eating. We kicked off Albuterol nebulizer treatments together with had to teach out along them every 3.5 hours. Mon nosotros talked to our pediatrician all day. We started him on Orapred immediately. We had tried weaning him off his Pulmicort, which he had handled fine for almost iii months now. However, this flare upwards allow us know that he was inward no means gear upwards to last weaned off Pulmicort; nosotros started him dorsum on twice a twenty-four lx minutes menstruation nebulizer treatments of Pulmicort. Until Tuesday afternoon, he needed Albuterol every 3.5 to 4 hours. We were able to infinite his terminal Albuterol handling on Tuesday half-dozen hours together with and hence nosotros went through Tuesday black without an Albuterol handling equally well. O fifty-fifty slept inward until vii am Wed morning.

But what almost our other toddler's potty preparation through all this? Well, C was insistent on potty training. During the weekend, my married adult man was habitation to help, hence it wasn't equally good difficult. We stayed habitation together with took attention of our boys, helping C principal potty preparation together with monitoring O's asthma. By Mon it was apparent that nosotros weren't going to last leaving the work solid anytime presently hence I continued amongst C's potty training. O is skillful almost belongings his nebulizer mask inward place. I spent a lot of fourth dimension standing inward the hallway exterior the boys' bath watching C role the restroom together with O create his nebulizer handling on the couch. It all simply form of roughshod into place.

Homeschooling activities at the kitchen table

Wed morning, twenty-four lx minutes menstruation iii of Orapred, I woke upwards amongst the vague persuasion of writing a weblog post almost our terminal duad days at home. I wanted to touching on O's asthma, C's potty training, our oldest boy D's homeschooling-- basically about balancing life equally a family. Before I genuinely write a weblog post, I allow the persuasion curl around inward my heed for awhile. I figure out the direction I'm going to write, the underlying message, and attempt to capture that minute inward our lives. That afternoon, when I went to sit down downwards together with write the post, opening the laptop, situating myself on the flooring adjacent to our 5-year old, he looked over at me together with said, "Hey, Momma, create you lot desire to play Sorry?" I persuasion for a minute together with realized that I genuinely did, hence nosotros played Sorry a duad times earlier our ability went out. Here is an persuasion of what I wanted to write earlier our twenty-four lx minutes menstruation was flipped upside down:
We've spent a lot of fourth dimension at habitation the past times duad days. This morning time when I heard my sleeping accommodation door opened upwards at half-dozen am, I sat upwards inward bed together with blinked at the time. Had I genuinely slept that long? Did our asthmatic toddler genuinely slumber through the night? But it was our potty preparation toddler, tip-toeing across the floor, "Momma! Have to become potty! Want treats!" I helped him struggle out of his zip-up footie jams together with role the restroom, rewarded him amongst his treats, together with tucked him dorsum into bed. While I was inward the boys' room, I checked on our asthmatic toddler, who was tossing together with coughing inward his bed, but asleep. I debated waking him for a nebulizer treatment, but decided against it. He has been sleeping hence horribly together with I wanted to allow him teach some much needed rest. So I went dorsum to bed together with stole some other lx minutes of slumber earlier I heard the boys up, O making his means to our room coughing. Our twenty-four lx minutes menstruation had officially begun. As nosotros roughshod into our morning time routine, I despaired of what nosotros were going to create today. While potty preparation has been going well, some other twenty-four lx minutes menstruation spent inward the boys' bath didn't audio appealing. Our 5-year old has been feeling cooped upwards inward the work solid amongst his brothers together with was starting to bounce off the walls. I receive got spent the terminal duad days tackling that overlooked cleaning listing together with I was running out of projects. We've played board games, carte du jour games, made upwards games, together with receive got been making our means through the boys' library of books. Another day? What would nosotros do? 
As oft happens amongst our iii boys, they figured it out. After our morning time routine (changing O's diaper, taking C to the bath together with putting on his large man child underwear, Pulmicort nebulizer treatment, breakfast, Bible story, Albuterol nebulizer treatment, create clean upwards breakfast, teach the boys' dressed), the boys ran out of the room together with threw on pirate costumes. They spent seriously iii hours having elaborate pirate battles. What I dearest almost homeschooling preschool is how easily our "lessons" tin autumn into identify of real, organic play. We worked on phonics piece they played pirates. "Pirates say ar. What letters create you lot intend are inward arrrrrrrr?" Obviously he guessed "r," but I showed him the ii letters together together with nosotros started coming upwards amongst words that had ar inward them. Star, far, car, bar... He sounded the words out equally nosotros chatted. He wrote some downwards on pirate maps... It simply all industrial plant together and, honestly, it is fun. I dearest doing this materials amongst them. Of course, beyond homeschooling, they spent a lot of fourth dimension sword fighting. However, fifty-fifty that had an educational slant equally they built their pirate swords out of K'Nex. They searched for the correct pieces to engineer for sure designs of pirate swords. They counted how many pieces their swords had, the colors of the K'Nex they used. Once the pirate game took hold, my doubts of some other twenty-four lx minutes menstruation at habitation dissipated together with nosotros simply had fun. 
The hard constituent almost beingness habitation for days upon days is that inward betwixt activities, earlier the boys' release energy is channeled into an activity, it tin last wild. Not manageable wild, simply directly upwards Lord of the Flies wild. They curl on the couch. They shroud behind couch cushions together with throw all the pillows off the couch. The Legos are scattered inward every room of the house-- how, I know not. Outside of expected places, I discovery them inward the washer together with dryer, my bed, nether all the furniture, inward the invitee bathroom-- simply everywhere. It tin last hard to figure out what our adjacent action should last when the boys are fighting over toys together with going, going, going. I genuinely don't know how I hold off them to deport when nosotros are habitation all day. I don't heed them running inward circles around the kitchen loop. I suppose this vague notion of picking upwards your toys earlier moving on to the adjacent toy comes into mind, but that's non ever how it works, is it? They demand Legos to construct walls for their K'Nex sword fights together with Matchbox cars drive through their country of war zone amongst supplies as their Buzz Lightyears together with stuffed animals stand upwards guard at their forts and, of course, they are all wearing costumes... simply a mess of toys for 1 game. Really, it is those moments of wild fourth dimension that brand beingness habitation all twenty-four lx minutes menstruation hard. When they are wild on normal days, nosotros caput exterior to the park, play inward our driveway, or accept a walk.

On Wed South Carolina was bracing for an H2O ice storm. All Wed morning time nosotros had freezing pelting together with H2O ice outside. While I was playing a circular of Sorry amongst our 5-year old, our ability went out. I wasn't equally good concerned at first, simply started closing upwards the work solid together with hanging blankets over some of our windows, when it hitting me: our nebulizer! How would nosotros run O's nebulizer without power? He was coming due for his adjacent Albuterol handling together with the ability was out for almost an lx minutes when I decided nosotros needed to leave of absence the work solid together with discovery power. I debated allowing our potty preparation toddler leave of absence inward underwear when I realized that he should belike article of apparel a diaper inward example nosotros were forced to intrude somewhere really inconvenient. I didn't know where nosotros would discovery power, but I was for sure it would last an intrusion amongst iii kids; I didn't desire to maintain adding requests. "Could nosotros borrow a ability outlet for a bit? And a bathroom? And could you lot picket these ii piece I take this 1 to the restroom?" I convinced our potty preparation toddler to article of apparel a diaper, granted he insisted on wearing his underwear underneath his diaper, but at to the lowest degree nosotros had protection inward example of an accident. When I started putting together our bags together with blankets for leaving the house, I remembered our van was parked inward the garage, non inward the driveway. I know in that location is a release for the ability garage door, but I could non teach the dang affair to release. I pulled together with pulled on the cherry cord earlier the panic started setting in. If I couldn't teach the van out, was in that location somewhere I could walk to teach power? I poked my caput out the front end door together with it was bitterly mutual coldness exterior together with raining freezing rain. I decided against that; the mutual coldness atmospheric condition would last equally good much on our asthmatic toddler's lungs. What else could I create but telephone band my dad? He talked me through opening the garage door together with inward no fourth dimension at all nosotros were backing out of our driveway, discussing where nosotros mightiness discovery power. When I pulled upwards to the halt sign leaving our neighborhood, a safety motorcar drove past times together with a calorie-free bulb went off: the burn downwards station! I drove to the burn downwards station together with was excited to run across their lights on together with listen their generator humming away. The burn downwards human was beyond nice. We sat inward the constituent overlooking the fire trucks equally I gave our toddler his nebulizer treatment. I was hence relieved that all our boys were behaving. When nosotros left, he gave me their constituent issue together with told me that I to a greater extent than than welcome to come upwards dorsum if we demand to create to a greater extent than treatments.

The balance of the afternoon was spent peacefully enough. We played lots of board games. I started getting concerned equally nosotros were heading into the even out nonetheless without power. Our toddler's breathing was acting up, I intend largely due to our outing inward the mutual coldness weather. He was going to demand some other handling soon. My married adult man came habitation shortly subsequently that together with nosotros decided a hotel would last our best option. I started calling around to the Residence Inns nearby together with they were all booked. We tried Hyatt Place, but they didn't receive got whatever pet rooms nonetheless available (we receive got a pocket-sized dog). I called my mom who lives several states away together with was asking her if she could mass us somewhere on her computer-- it was impossible searching Residence Inn similar hotels from my telephone since nosotros aren't overly familiar amongst the area-- when the ability came on. Immediately nosotros gave O an Albuterol handling together with his even out Pulmicort treatment. My married adult man together with I decided that nosotros needed to solve the work of running the nebulizer when the ability goes out equally presently equally possible; for that night, nosotros came upwards amongst a computer program that if the ability went out again, I would accept the asthmatic toddler together with remain inward a hotel amongst him. We are able to maintain our habitation warm fifty-fifty amongst the ability out, hence he would last comfortable at amongst our other ii boys together with the dog. Thankfully the ability did non become out in 1 lawsuit again on Wednesday.

Th morning time our ability went out again, this fourth dimension non for long. When it went out, my married adult man had simply finished O's nebulizer handling together with was turning Monsters Inc. on for our boys. I knew nosotros needed a dorsum upwards computer program for O's nebulizer today. While my married adult man got gear upwards for ability school, I called my dad together with asked him to expression at Best Buy's site to store for some sort of ability option. (My married adult man loves doing these types of things equally well, but had to leave of absence for operate together with nosotros didn't receive got whatever ability for him to create it earlier he left.) Best Buy's site to shop selection is wonderfully convenient. I gave my dad my credit carte du jour issue together with he did all the ordering. After my married adult man went to work, I bundled upwards the boys together with nosotros laid off for the store. This fourth dimension I did allow our potty preparation toddler article of apparel underwear. On the means to Best Buy he chirped from his motorcar seat, "Momma! Have to become potty!" Being inward South Carolina, in that location isn't a surplus of stores to halt at on whatever given road. I pulled off onto the shoulder together with tried to convince him to salve himself inward the woods. This was far equally good featherbrained for him (and mayhap equally good mutual coldness outside); he assured me he could hold off until nosotros got to the store. Not a minute equally good belatedly nosotros pulled into the Best Buy parking lot together with he announced again, "Momma! Have to become potty now, please!" We unloaded equally rapidly equally possible together with high tailed it into Best Buy's restroom. We spent belike 10 minutes inward in that location betwixt letting our toddler role the restroom together with washing all iii of the boys' hands (how many times create I receive got to tell them not to touching anything inward a populace restroom?). Unlike all the wasted fourth dimension inward the restroom, the client pick upwards draw was a breeze. I went to the client service desk where it was marked client pick upwards together with showed them the electronic mail Best Buy sent me amongst the production information. They looked at my credit carte du jour together with ID together with and hence gave me a receipt to sign together with my battery thing-a-ma-bobber that my dad had selected. Super easy, fifty-fifty amongst iii kids inward tow, 1 of them a newly potty trained toddler together with the other an asthmatic.

Now nosotros are habitation together with I'm charging this battery dorsum upwards thing, the APC Battery Backup. Here is a moving-picture demonstrate of it:

The instruction manual is really technical, but my dad says that nosotros volition last able to run our nebulizer piece the ability is out together with accuse our prison theater cellphone phones together with such. Apparently it is also a surge protector. I know my married adult man volition similar checking it out when he gets habitation from schoolhouse today. I experience a huge sense of relief knowing that nosotros receive got a dorsum upwards plan. The instruction manual says it takes 24 hours for the battery to fully charge; knock on woods our ability doesn't become out earlier then!

March 2014 cover
Image courtesy of Realsimple.com

Real Simple knew that I would last needing some helpful tips this week.Of children together with plans"). Our days never become equally planned. Now nosotros are balancing potty preparation together with an asthma flare up; our days receive got been far exterior of what nosotros commonly would hold off for a week. My favorite tip in the Real Simple article was "Expect the worst." Under "Expect the worst," written past times Ari Fleisher, a quondam White House Press Secretary, it says, "Expect that on whatever given day, something unexpected volition happen. Then it won't rattle you, together with you lot tin remain calm equally you lot bargain amongst it" (pg. 56 of the March 2014 magazine).

I'm non for sure what else today holds for us. So far our potty preparation toddler hasn't had whatever accidents. Our oldest boy is a footling tired of beingness cooped upwards inward the work solid for the past times duad days (it is nonetheless rainy together with mutual coldness outside). Our asthmatic toddler, on twenty-four lx minutes menstruation 4 of Orapred, nonetheless isn't sounding equally corking equally I hoped he would and is on Albuterol every 4-5 hours correct now. I'm non genuinely for sure what a "normal" twenty-four lx minutes menstruation is when you lot receive got kids. Just similar the Real Simple article recommends, I tin ever hold off the unexpected.

And piece our days never become equally planned, they are far from boring.

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