Potty grooming twins: business office i {No plan}

As a woman raise to 3 children amongst some other on the way, I know the importance of planning. As a woman raise of twins, I know the importance of planning. And now, equally a woman raise to children growing to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than independent each day, I'm learning the importance of going amongst the flow, trying things out, together with seeing where life takes us-- essentially, throwing out the conception together with flight yesteryear the spot of our pants.

We receive got already potty trained i child. I wrote 3 weblog posts well-nigh the experience:
With him, he genuinely didn't want to potty train. He liked diapers together with was fine amongst how things were going. As his parents, nosotros were the ones cook to live done amongst diapers. If you lot read the weblog posts on potty preparation D, you lot know that he was cook to potty prepare together with capable to make so. The thing that I liked well-nigh potty preparation him was that he was cook together with so when nosotros finally did it, nosotros were able to make days, nights, naptime, out together with about... It all only experience into place.

As for potty preparation our 2.5-year one-time twin toddlers, I came upwards amongst a plan. I wanted to hold back until they were the same historic catamenia our oldest was when nosotros potty trained him, a couplet months yesteryear 3 years old. I did receive got other reasons for wanting to hold back equally well, such equally their vocabulary together with their maturity level. (Read my weblog post service "Potty preparation 2.5 twelvemonth one-time twin boys?")

My conception has gone out the window! One of our twin toddlers, C, decided that he wanted to potty train. He fifty-fifty said that, "I wish potty prepare now." {Face palm.} I position it off. We played along amongst his wish to utilisation the potty, feeling similar it was helping him empathise the concept of eventually potty training. He wanted his diaper changed after each fourth dimension he tinkled. He would order us earlier he would poop, after he pooped, waddle to the diaper changing basket, force out a build clean diaper together with wipes, together with demand nosotros promptly changed him. Sometimes he would order us earlier he would poop or pee together with demand to utilisation the potty. I was doing everything I could to prevent him from potty training. What changed my mind?

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 couplet weeks agone the toddlers' vocabulary together with communication skills leaped forward. It felt similar i calendar week nosotros were totally frustrated that they wouldn't utilisation their words to communicate-- depending on temper tantrums to limited themselves-- together with a calendar week afterward they were chatting amongst us well-nigh their day. C started expressing to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than his wish to potty train-- which I listened to-- but what genuinely convinced me to allow him examine was when I started beingness able to negotiate together with argue amongst him. One morn nosotros were rushing out of the house. The toddlers were feeling hurried together with stressed equally I searched for shoes together with dressed them quickly. C started screaming together with flailing when I attempted to strap him into his machine seat. I took him out of the spot together with stood him inwards the driveway side yesteryear side to our van together with began to argue amongst him. He listened! We came to an understanding together with I was able to peacefully strap him his machine seat. That conversation was the turning signal for me. I realized that if I could explicate to him why I needed him to buckle up, I could explicate to him the fundamentals of potty training.

I made the conclusion to brand a novel conception for potty training: No Plan.

This yesteryear Thursday, nosotros had an afternoon at home. I position both the toddlers inwards underwear together with explained to them that they cannot acquire potty inwards their underwear; they must utilisation the toilet. They agreed. C was beaming; he was so thrilled to finally be inwards underwear! I remembered how good the timer arrangement worked amongst their older blood brother so I laid the timer on the microwave. The timer plant dandy for ii reasons:

1. it isn't you lot harassing your kid every couplet minutes, "Do you lot receive got to acquire potty? Hey, make you lot receive got to acquire potty? Love, make you lot demand to acquire potty?"
2. it puts them inwards charge, "Momma! The timer went off! Time to acquire potty!"

I figured that when the timer went off, nosotros would all trudge into the bath and try to acquire potty. It didn't move well.

For C, our toddler who wants to potty train, he felt also much pressure. He wanted to acquire potty. When I brought him inwards the bath at intervals, he felt similar I was telling him that he had to acquire then. He would examine together with examine together with when he couldn't make fifty-fifty a drop, he would hold back so sorry together with disappointed. He didn't throw a stand upwards for or outburst into tears; he would only hold back upwards at me amongst big eyes brimming amongst tears, "Momma! I no receive got to go!"

For O, our toddler who nosotros exclusively position inwards underwear because nosotros were letting his twin blood brother effort to potty train, it was boring. It became a game: make non utilisation the bath when the timer goes off. He would run together with cover when he heard the timer, or, worse, examine to live the get-go to the bath so he could laid on the toothpaste tubes earlier I got inwards in that location (as a rule, none of our boys are allowed to loiter inwards the bath when their occupation organization inwards in that location is done). Every fourth dimension he stood inwards front end of the toilet, he said he did non receive got to go. He did handle it for an impressively long time Thursday afternoon. It all blew upwards inwards our human face upwards though. By Thursday evening, he had a serial of accidents, the get-go standing inwards front end of the lavatory together with the side yesteryear side 3 anywhere that he wanted to inwards our house, all after denying the demand to acquire inwards the get-go place, "No receive got to go, Momma. No demand potty, Momma. No baf-room, Momma!" My pathetic married adult man had his hands total amongst O that night. Graciously, he allowed O to hold trying together with allow him position on underwear i time to a greater extent than together with again, patiently explaining the procedure after each "accident" (in quotes because that kid had no intention of e'er using the lavatory that day). After 3 accidents inwards a row though, fifty-fifty my optimistic married adult man couldn't justify putting O inwards underwear i time to a greater extent than together with O was position dorsum into a diaper. When O finally crinkled dorsum to the tabular array wearing a diaper, both his brothers looked at him. Finally D, their older brother, said, "Uh-oh. O isn't potty preparation anymore?" O didn't seem to mind; he acted almost relieved that he was no longer role of the potty preparation charade.

Th night, our get-go solar daytime potty training, my married adult man together with I discussed how things were going together with how nosotros wanted to proceed. We came to the conclusion that nosotros would move along potty preparation C together with nosotros would hold O inwards diapers. That is how nosotros arrived at potty preparation i of our 2.5-year one-time twins together with the other toddler is remaining inwards diapers. I'm inwards no hurry to push O because I don't think he's ready. While his vocabulary has grown, he doesn't communicate or negotiate equally much equally C does. I'm non proverb that he won't or that I experience he is somehow delayed or that C is advanced; I only don't think he's cook to potty train. If he was non a twin together with his identical twin blood brother wasn't potty preparation at the moment, I wouldn't fifty-fifty consider potty preparation him. And that is how I'm going to process them: similar individuals. Just because i twin is doing something doesn't hateful that the other must. Just because i twin is cook to potty prepare now, doesn't hateful in that location is something incorrect amongst the twin non potty training. We receive got been really careful around hither non to utilisation linguistic communication that is comparison them. "O, make you lot encounter what C is doing? Do you lot wish to potty prepare too?" While my married adult man together with I receive got discussed that seeing his 2 brothers inwards underwear could mayhap motivate him to potty prepare sooner than afterward (never underestimate the ability of monkey see/monkey do), nosotros haven't vocalized this to the boys. Our 5-year one-time has asked a couplet times, "Why is C potty preparation together with non O?" And our response is, "Because C wants to potty prepare correct at nowadays together with O doesn't, which is okay."

So how receive got been managing this? Yes, it gets chaotic having ii toddlers inwards the bathroom. Just because O isn't potty preparation together with their older blood brother D has been potty trained for 2.5 years now, doesn't hateful when C has to acquire potty that it is only me together with him inwards there. Nope, all the boys brand their fashion into the bathroom. This stressed me out at first. There was only also much going on inwards in that location until I realized that when nosotros move out of the house, this is how it volition be. Now I don't stress well-nigh them beingness inwards the bathroom. They demand to leave of absence C lone piece he goes potty. No toys are allowed inwards the bath (not that nosotros e'er genuinely allow toys inwards the bathroom, but when 2 boys follow their blood brother into the bathroom, they receive got a style to wish to drag the menage inwards in that location amongst us). I make allow O to live curious inwards there. While nosotros are non pushing to potty prepare him, I don't wish him to experience that the lavatory is off-limits for him. I allow him to sentry together with inquire questions. However, nosotros receive got rules inwards the bathroom. While I know how build clean our toilets are at home, nosotros aren't certain how build clean world bathrooms are. We don't allow whatever of the boys to demeanour upon the lavatory (well, to a greater extent than than necessary-- toddlers together with toilets are only a bad combination inwards general). We believe inwards didactics them bath etiquette at abode that tin live applied out inwards public. I receive got our oldest stand upwards similar a gentleman if he wants to come upwards inwards the bath amongst us piece I'm potty preparation C. If O wants to sentry equally well, I commonly receive got him sit down on i of the bath stools or stand upwards amongst D. I make non allow D together with O crude oil menage piece standing inwards the bath amongst us (yup, siblings receive got a gift for constantly messing amongst each other, "I'm non touching you... I'm non touching you... I'm non touching you..."). We receive got bath rules together with nosotros are strict inwards enforcing them. If they don't follow the rules, they receive got to leave of absence the room.

Potty training, no thing how eager the child, requires spending a lot of fourth dimension inwards the bathroom. We learned a long fourth dimension agone that nosotros demand a chair inwards the boys' bathroom. I've spent a lot of fourth dimension inwards that chair the lastly couplet days. Th I completely cleaned the bathroom, fifty-fifty the baseboards. Friday was busier amongst a total solar daytime inwards underwear; it passed inwards a blur. (Amazing how some days wing yesteryear together with some days drag on when you lot are a stay-at-home mom!) Sat was dandy because my married adult man was abode to aid convey C to the bathroom; I felt similar I finally got to pass fourth dimension inwards other rooms of our house. :)

Overall, I'm really pleased amongst how potty preparation is going amongst C. He genuinely desires to live potty trained together with is working really difficult at it. He's had minimal accidents, none of them messy. He's genuinely taken to potty preparation so chop-chop that I position him inwards underwear all day, from the fourth dimension he wakes upwards to the fourth dimension he puts on pajamas. He took a 3 hr nap on Fri together with stayed dry out the whole time. Sat nosotros ran errands-- 2 dissimilar stops, out of the menage for 2.5 hours-- together with he was dry out the whole time, fifty-fifty using Earth restroom piece nosotros were gone. When nosotros arrived at a store, nosotros took him to the restroom together with nosotros took him i time to a greater extent than earlier nosotros left. (Note: I exclusively braved leaving the menage this early on inwards the potty preparation procedure amongst all the boys inwards tow because my married adult man was abode to help. One of us was able to chop-chop acquire him to the restroom when C needed to acquire potty piece the other stayed amongst his brothers.) Right at nowadays I'm feeling similar nosotros are going to handle off on nights. I'm non certain he's cook to live inwards the bath unsupervised, peculiarly if he has a beau 2-year one-time next him inwards there. For at nowadays nosotros are taking infant steps, seeing what works, seeing what they tin make amongst the liberty nosotros are handing over to them. When nosotros tackled nights amongst our oldest, he was waking upwards dry out nighttime after night. C is non waking upwards dry out every morning, so I'm non certain when nosotros volition make nights. Again, my conception is No Plan-- we'll only encounter what happens.

As for a rewards system, nosotros haven't had to live equally creative amongst our rewards arrangement amongst C equally nosotros were for his older brother. C's ambition to potty preparation is genuinely driving us this fourth dimension around. We make receive got a offend of glutinous candies sitting on the counter equally his treat, but nosotros haven't had to make something dissimilar for pooping or peeing-- he does both on his ain accord inwards the toilet. The exclusively occupation amongst "treat," equally the he calls it, is that O gets quite upset when his blood brother is picking out glutinous candies that he can't have. Occasionally our 5-year one-time asks if he tin receive got one, but he is to a greater extent than accepting of our response than his 2.5-year one-time brother. Because nosotros don't wish our toddlers to experience that they are beingness compared against each other as twins, nosotros are careful how nosotros discussion our reasoning equally to why C gets a process together with O doesn't. When O starts reaching for a treat, I order him that these are C's treats. When he demands farther explanation, "Why I non acquire treat, Momma?" I politely order him that C is potty preparation correct now, which is the truth. O has said to that that he wants to potty train, which he doesn't. As I wrote this, he insisted on trying to acquire potty after seeing C acquire a treat, exclusively to acquire inwards the bath together with fidget around, pass upwards to acquire close the toilet, together with examine to catch the toothpaste tube. Now when I order him that C is potty preparation correct now, I quickly add that he volition potty prepare shortly also together with volition acquire treats so equally well. I briefly entertained the sentiment of finding some assort of consolation process for D together with O, right away shooting downward the idea. We don't give all 3 boys medicine when exclusively 1 kid needs medicine. We aren't going to vantage all 3 boys because 1 is potty preparation successfully. We are loving but occupation solid together with the technique is working so far.

Wish us luck! We are breaking on to solar daytime four of potty preparation and-- knock on wood-- so far no accidents today! :)

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